Complete, Cleanse, Clear, Close the Old Chapter...'cause that's what December invites you to do!

Dec 11, 2019

Tap into the energy of December as a powerful time to complete, clear, cleanse, and close the old chapter so you can begin your new one fresh on January 1, 2020. See which December-inspired actions below would serve you best, and make time to do them before the New Year.

*And speaking of what December offers you, did you see the Holiday Special I am offering on my year-long private coaching program? Click for details before it ends Dec 18th.* 

December's 1st Invitation: Make Time to Complete. 

~ Perhaps there is a project that is 'Sooooo 2019'. It would drag the whole new year down to carry it into January 2020. It simply needs to be completed in order to welcome in the freshness of a New Year. 

~ Maybe there's an unfinished conversation or relationship conflict that needs to be completed or resolved before stepping into your next year. 

~ Or there might be habits that are draining or unhealthy that are ready for complete release as you step into your next level of healthy positive growth next year. 

~ Sometimes it's an internal state--like something in need of forgiveness-- that craves loving completion in order to open yourself up to the potential of the new year. 

December's 2nd Invitation: Make Time to Clear & Cleanse.

  ~ Clear away your 2019 Vision Board or Altar Space, wiping the slate clean for your 2020 Intention to emerge. 

~ Clear off your desk and clean out your office, making way for your most powerful work to come into the world this next year.   

~ De-clutter and clean out any areas in your home that feel stagnant and represent an associated stagnancy. (ex: stagnant bedroom = stagnant sexual energy, stagnant cluttered wardrobe closet = stagnant self-expression, stagnant cluttered Kitchen = stagnant self-care & nourishment, etc.)   

~Cleanse your body, inside and out, in the way that feels best to you. Do it as a ritual act of thanking your body for all it has moved you through in 2019 and preparing it for a fresh embodied start in 2020. 

December's 3rd Invitation: Make Time to Close the Old Chapter.

~Ask yourself the evocative question: What chapter is ready to end in your life and work in order for your new soul-satisfying one to begin? 

~ As you consider which chapter is ending, take it to the next level. Bring your attention to whatever is really ready to 'die'... within you or your life. And do whatever is needed to lovingly Let It Go. 

December's 4th Invitation: Set Up the Support You Desire for 2020

If the next year of your life and work is Pivotal and your greater calling is asking you to embody your next level, I offer YOU my highest quality private coaching support customized around your soul's desire for the next year. 2020 is your time to Love Liberate Lead as you launch your next level. Let's give you the support you need to embody your next level of aligned leadership, purposeful impact, desired income, and soul satisfaction.

Until December 18th, I'm offering the most generous collection of valuable bonuses as a holiday special when you enroll in my year-long private coaching program. It's truly the best of everything I have to offer!

So, along with completing, cleansing, clearing, and closing the old chapter...the big question is, are you ready to launch your next level in 2020? And would you like to invest in my highest quality private coaching (and receive all my holiday bonuses) to support you each step of the way?
If so, simply schedule your complimentary Visioning Session for before Dec 18th and we'll discover our collaborative potential to make the most of 2020.

Ready to feel spiritually secure as you follow inner guidance to create your inspired life & work?
If you'd like my support, sign up for a Connection Call to discover if we'd both LOVE being on the journey together.