Soul Calls Us to Embody Our Unique Essence

Aug 18, 2015

I invite you to be still and imagine that right now your Soul, your Essence, your Truest Self, your Heart, is actually calling you toward something, in this very moment. Maybe it's calling you to say Yes or No to something or someone. Maybe it is calling you to take some kind of leap of faith. Maybe it is calling you in a new direction--unchartered territory of sorts. Imagine that you can hear, feel, see or sense your Soul calling you right now. And, if this is a huge stretch for you, play along 'As If' you can. Take out a paper and pen and say, "Yes, I'm ready to listen." Write or draw (or sing or dance) whatever Your Soul is calling you toward.

I invited my friend and Expressive Arts colleague, Sajit Greene, to be a Special Guest for SHINE Expansive 2015, because she is currently embodying what SHINE is all about.

Sajit knows how to listen deeply to her Truest Self and is courageously saying Yes to her Soul's calling to volunteer her gifts in service to the Ghyachchok Village in Nepal that was greatly impacted by the earthquake in April 2015.

From September-November, Sajit will be leading movement-based expressive arts groups to help families in this Nepalese community to cope with stress, loss, and grief in the wake of disaster.

In Sajit's words: "Our souls call to us all the time. The call may come in big, earth-shattering moments of upheaval in one's home-life, relationships, health, finances, or career. It may show up as a crossroads in your life...a time when you feel pushed to make a momentous decision. Sometimes it seems but a faint whisper, and other times, a loud and insistent voice demanding change. As Bill Plotkin says in his book Soulcraft, 'Soul embraces and calls us toward what is most unique in us.' I would add that soul calls us to embody the essence of our unique self in ways that are more and more highly evolved. It is an ongoing process...a creative, evolutionary process."

You can read Sajit's full story of following her Soul's Call to Nepal here.

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