We Are Here to Love

Nov 22, 2017

Today's SPARK offers a Blessing I wrote for you, inspired by Thanksgiving and my deepening connection with God.

I'm back from the "Called to Lead" event in LA and it was even more transformative than I imagined. I received a clear message to come home and share visibly and vulnerably with my community. I am curious how this will unfold in the coming weeks. For now, I want to simply show up to offer this Blessing ... and then go cook a pumpkin pie:)

"Here to Love"
A Thanksgiving Blessing

As we're gathering around tables for Thanksgiving
Let us gather around the table within our own heart.
Let us call in all those parts of ourselves that we love.
And then let us call in all those parts of ourselves that need more love.
That are somehow disowned, judged, or hidden.
For the more we can welcome ourselves,
The more we can welcome others.

Notice right now which parts of you
Need an extra invitation to that table in your heart.
Call them in with this prayer.
Let them know they will be nourished by love today
As we give thanks for the bounty of you.

Just as we come together in our own hearts
We come together in our kitchens and dining rooms
Holding hands with Wholeness--
Our family, old and new friends,
Those who are loved,
Those who need more love.
What can we see through the eyes of each other?
How can we welcome each person exactly as they are?

Because when our own family's Thanksgiving table
Is filled with love and acceptance,
We can overflow into the world.

Then we become contributors
To the coming together of all humans--
Those who are loved,
Those who need more love,
Welcoming each person to show up as we are
Around a table of 7.6 billion
To give what we each have to give.

How can we all be nourished by love
As we contribute t o the whole of our creation?

After all, we are the human experience of God.
And God is here to love.


As I say this blessing around my dining room table, I will be sending love to each person in the SPARK Community. I'm whole-heartedly grateful for you.

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