Community Experiences

Spiritual Security Circle

Deepen into the only True Security there is. Join our Virtual Circle, anchor into your resilient Spirit, and be a secure leader in an insecure world. Let's dissolve fear by being the Love that we are.

Details Here.

True Nature Reunion

Day-long soulful retreat in Western North Carolina, where your truest self emerges in the natural world to deeply and delightfully connect with a conscious group that leads with Love.

Details Here.

Private Coaching Programs

Love. Liberate. Lead.

Let the old chapter go to birth a new vision of life & work, with fully customized private coaching support for your next pivotal year.

Details Here.

Shine Expansive

Rediscover who you are and what you're meant to do for the world with 1-3 months of private coaching.

Details Here.

Private Retreats

Private in-person retreats take place atĀ Jessica'sĀ favorite 9-acre respite nearĀ Asheville, North Carolina, and are customized around your desires.

Schedule your complimentary Visioning Session with Jessica to discuss private retreats.

Speaking & Performing at Your Live Event

Whether delivering a keynote or a improvised performance, Jessica is a natural on stage and lights up the room with her Spark.

Request Jessica as a Speaker or Performer at your Event.

Leading Your Group Retreat

From mountains to sea, Jessica loves to connect with a new group and take them on a transformational journey that deepens their retreat experience.

Request Jessica as a Facilitator for your next Group Retreat.

Free Gifts for You

Awakening through C.O.V.I.D.

Transform this pandemic into a time of compassion, awakening, and deep trust. Approach it as a rite of passage into who you and we are becoming.

Details Here.

Unleash Your Greatest Work

With 5 liberating actions, this free mini-course will move you beyond fear to step into your next level calling, so that you can make your greatest contribution.

Details Here.

Become Your Next Level

This dynamic, 1-hour free video experience guides you in the ten essential shifts to become your next level and launch in alignment with your heart and soul.

Details Here.